Thursday, September 29, 2005

Next treatment - Magnesium Sulfate

Early this morning, Suzanne's medical team decided it was time to adminster Magnesium Sulfate. Even though Suzanne has felt relatively good over the last two to three days, her blood pressure ramped up last night and the doctors were concerned that the Pre-eclampsia was progressing and could lead to some of the more dangerous symptoms (seizures, edema...). It's been explained to us that the Magnesium acts to lower blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels. The positive aspects for us are that it inhibits the advance of the Pre-eclampsia, prevents seizures, edema and other effects, and prevents pre-term labor (early contractions). The downside is that in can have a number of side effects, including flushing, mild to severe nausea, palpitations, headache, general muscle weakness, and/or lethargy. As of right now, Suzanne describes feeling "loopy" - weak and lethargic - but not nauseous (but nervous about eating).

If Suzanne's condition doesn't stabilize with this treatment, the next step and only known "cure" for Pre-eclampsia is delivery, so this could happen at any time. The doctor's orders now call for Suzanne to fast after midnight each night in preparation for a C-section the next day. Every day the babies have inside Suzanne strengthen their odds of a healthy outcome. We did administer a steriod treatment several days ago that speeds the development of their lungs in preparation for a pre-term delivery.

Thanks again for all the support. On Sunday, my sister Margot organized a shower in Tacoma attended mainly by family. Almost 60 folks were there - all but three are family members. I can't remember ever having all those family members together and I found it deeply moving. The generosity was overwhelming - There's very little left that we need to get in order to be prepared for them to come home. I'll post pictures shortly.

Keep the positive thougts and prayers coming!

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