While Christmas as a four year old is magical as it is (and it is! more on that later), we had to share the first gift we opened this morning, which was the following message from Papa:
I have two new grandchildren. Baby girl Bhavnani was born at 1:06am on Christmas morning, followed by baby boy Bhavnani at 1:08. She was 5# -0 and 16", he was 5# -6 and 17.3" ...no names yet. Jennifer's water broke at about 9:40pm, after a sumptuous dinner, while we were opening presents. The hospital has instituted Draconian visiting rules because of H1N1; only 2 visitors (including the father) every 24 hours. So I can't see them until late tomorrow night, or more probably Saturday morning, if not later. Jennifer's mom is ecstatic, and may not want to leave. Jennifer will be in the hospital recovering from a C-section for about 4 nights. I've seen pictures of the babies, and they look amazingly beautiful and fully developed. I should get pictures to share tomorrow.
Jen and Sam's family blog for updates (they haven't quite gotten to today's news yet).
Needless to say, we're very excited to have twin cousins to play with!