Saturday, July 30, 2005

Past the half-way mark

We're now at 22 1/2 weeks (a standard pregnancy goes 40, twins on average 37). We're a mere 15 weeks away from the average twin birth date. Wow!

Here are some recent pics of the boys. We're in to the doc every two weeks now, so we're getting these shots more frequently. These are just the highlights - it's amazing to sit for two hours and examine every part of the babies' bodies in detail - we've seen all four heart chambers in each boy, bladders, kidneys... you name it. We've counted all the little bones in each of their hands and feet!

07/12: This is the lower twin getting his nose scratched by the upper twin.

07/12: Upper twin's little hand.

These are from just the other day. The twins weigh 13 oz. and are 9+ inches long. They will double their weight over the next four weeks.

07/26: Upper twin - they look very relaxed and calm in these photos. In reality, they are moving and kicking around during the entire ultrasound, much to the dismay of the technician.

07/26: Lower twin - he likes to stand on his head so he can kick his brother in face.

We are doing alright. Last night we met with two couples with twins and another that is expecting twins (made the connection through a club called EMOMS). There was much talk about strollers, sleep deprivation and advice to get EVERYTHING done before the boys arrive. They all live in our neighborhood so we are thankful for the support.

Working hard to prep the house - clearing out the basement, organizing and consolidating our own storage items, trying to figure out where we'll put all the baby stuff. Starting birth classes in a couple of weeks. Suzanne has gained 31 pounds so far (photo coming soon). We thought 40 would be what to expect, but one of the twin mothers last night, about Suzanne's size, said she gained 67 pounds during her pregnancy!