Sunday, May 08, 2005

Getting the word out.

OK, so we've known since March 23 that we're expecting. We carried that knowlede with us on vacation all over Germany and Wales. We also got some extra news two weeks ago. But we just got our third look at them and things are progressing well, so it's time to be free with the news - we're expecting twins!

Ultrasound from May 2, 2005

- Due Dec 3 (but twins are three weeks early on average)
- No knowledge of gender yet
- We're doubly excited and still catching our breath

Here's the slideshow announcment we sent to friends and family today. (If it doesn't work to "open" the item, you may need to choose the "save" option.)

We'll keep the images updated at Yahoo Photos.

Stay tuned for updates and please be patient with the new bloggers!